things to know to start e-commerce

Welcome to this new article where I will share with you the essentials to have before starting an online business. When we are in Africa agree and several people who contact me and tell me match I am in Africa I
want to start a business, but when we talk for maybe two minutes I realize directly that these are people who do not know what it is, they are people who are not well prepared so I will tell you
exactly what you need to do. Before you start wanting to create an online business, be it drop shipping, anything in e-commerce, or just a simple online business if you want to make money online follow these tips.

Put them into practice you will see you make a lot of things easier so here are some things you need to put in place to be successful. The first thing you must do is know how to use facebook, you must have a personal facebook account
where you are going to have friends I advise you to have a minimum of 2500 friends up to 5000 friends on your personal facebook account. It’s very important to take the trouble
building your personal facebook account will help you a lot to know how to use facebook, you must also have a facebook page. A facebook bisness page because it is on the facebook business page where you will be able to pay for advertising, you will be able to target the population you want
will be able to reach.

Many of you can’t make good sales because you don’t have a facebook page so on the page
facebook you also have a facebook store, so the second thing you will learn is what,
it is knowing how to advertise facebook and many of you do not know how to advertise facebook already your facebook advertising costs you extremely expensive secondly you target everyone and anyone in your audience and facebook.
You must learn how to use facebook advertising targeted the population you want me for example I often target
the cameroon market the ivory coast of gabon just these three markets because it is them that I want. You must know how to choose the budget you want for your facebook advertising and you must know how to test your facebook advertising
Does facebook advertising get you the results you love to see?
The third thing you need to know when you are in Africa doing a business is that you need to have a bank account.