Finding a Gap in Magazine Publishing Magazine publishing

is a multi-billion dollar industry. What other industry will you find that satisfies all the gaps in the market? No wonder a career in publishing magazines would be as fruitful as the type of magazine that exists. Here is an overview of the different types of occupations for anyone considering a career in the industry.

For anyone with a passion for writing, a career in publishing magazines is easy. A good start is to work as an intern in a magazine publisher. Although it is the least wonderful of all the positions, it will provide you with training and connections in the field. It would also be helpful to have a folio that is always at hand. One can also start at a basic level as an editorial assistant. In addition to writing, transcribing and copying, certain office duties may be required. Then you could work your way up as an assistant editor, chief editor, executive editor, and finally editor-in-chief!

If you are careful, know how to communicate well and can persuade people to get to an idea or brand in a way other than writing, then you could have a place in marketing. Through marketing, you ensure that your market hears what the magazine wants to hear. Then you need to know how to reconcile the behavior and trends of your market with your publications. This may include overseeing the sale, distribution of the publication, and what articles get into the magazine.

This is the actual production of the magazine. You have to be very interested in the details, deadline and technology that goes with it. Production is usually associated with machines and heavy equipment. Now, however, production goes beyond tangible paper and ink. Online publishing has changed the way magazines are produced. Manufacturing now also includes a wealth of information technology skills.

In addition to writing, you can also direct your creativity by engaging in magazine design. Magazines rely heavily on aesthetics, not only for sales, but also as an alternative way of expressing oneself. The design of the magazine also helps to transform into a brand. Magazines like Time have a signature red border on the cover, while National Geographic has a yellow border.
Like any business, magazine publishing has sales concerns. However, there is more than just the opportunity to sell. You must be charismatic, diplomatic and have integrity. Building good relationships with your clients is important. In addition to people’s skills, you must also develop your analytical skills in studying market and sales reporting. You need to know how effective your ads will be for your magazine and its marketplace.

You can choose from many career paths in the field of magazine publishing. You may have a proven ability to write or graphic design, but a college degree would be very useful, if not required. Remember that magazine publishing also involves company work and that companies want to present a professional image in the market.
Just make sure the rate you have or are already monitoring is relevant to the industry. If you are still undecided which field to choose, we strongly recommend completing an internship in a magazine publisher. You may not start charming (you think Andy Sachs wears Prada in The Devil), but you’re sure to learn a lot. In time, you will learn the tricks of the trade and you will be on your way to the top.