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Building a network marketing business… Is a revolutionary way to get rich. Is a means within everyone’s reach to achieve great prosperity. Is open to anyone with motivation, determination and perseverance. I had just started in network marketing and I was not yet familiar with the Values and Magic of this industry. You have a Real Opportunity to make the difference and change what you want to change in your life thanks to network marketing. So take care to read the following lines with an open mind, focusing on yourself, on what this opportunity can bring you. networking teaches you how to work for wealth. First, let me define what wealth is!
Wealth is not measured in terms of money. Rather, it is calculated in units of time. Your wealth is the period of time during which you can live without working. Wealth is expressed in time rather than money. In this respect, wealth and health are alike. There is an essential difference between working for money and working to create wealth. This is what your network marketing activity leads you to achieve. It is important to distinguish between the two main types of income. The first comes from work and the second is the fruit of your assets. If you want to become rich, your income must be generated by your capital. This is what people do not understand, they want an additional monthly income of 2000 € from the following month.
No one expects to have to invest 2 to 3 years, working part-time, to create their distribution business and receive such an annuity for life. This is the classic attitude of people used to working for pay. don’t see yourself as the business owner who puts their assets to work, rather than working themselves. Network marketing gets you to build your own business from your home, at your own pace. about to experience a spurt of economic growth that will far exceed the boom of the 1990s, and those entering the direct selling growth industry are well positioned to benefit from the boom times to come.
In the United States, out of 100 millionaires, 20 come from the network marketing industry. I love working with people who like to learn. On the other hand, people who start their business in network marketing are looking for new answers, and most importantly they are eager to learn. Very smart and well-educated people from all walks of life are getting into this industry. There are also several people with little education who have come into network marketing in order to seek the training they need to find financial security in a world where jobs are increasingly precarious. .These are points to know that can help you better understand this profession.
Building a Network Marketing Business…
Is a revolutionary way to get rich.
Is a means within everyone’s reach to achieve great prosperity. Is open to anyone with motivation, determination and perseverance. I had just started in network marketing and I did not yet know the Values and the Magic of this industry. You have a real possibility to make a difference and change what you want to change in your life thanks to network marketing.
So take care to read the following lines with an open mind, focusing on yourself, on what this opportunity can bring you.
Network marketing teaches you to work for wealth.
Let me, first, define what wealth is! Wealth is not measured in terms of money. Rather, it is calculated in units of time.
Your wealth is the period of time you can live without working.
Wealth is expressed in time rather than money. In this respect, wealth and health are alike.
There is an essential difference between working for money and working to create wealth. This is what your network marketing activity leads you to achieve.
It is important to distinguish between the two main types of income. The first comes from work and the second is the fruit of your assets.
If you want to become rich, your income must be generated by your capital. This is what people do not understand, they want an additional monthly income of 2000 € from the following month. No one expects to have to invest 2 to 3 years, working part-time, to create their distribution business and receive such an annuity for life. This is the classic attitude of people used to working for pay. They don’t see themselves in the shoes of the business owner who puts their assets to work, rather than working themselves. Network marketing leads you to build your own business from your home, at your own pace.
Today, we are on the cusp of a spurt of economic growth that will far exceed the boom of the 1990s, and those entering the direct selling growth industry are perfectly positioned to benefit from the coming period of prosperity. In the United States out of 100 millionaires, 20 come from the network marketing industry. I love working with people who like to learn. On the other hand, people who start their business in network marketing are looking for new answers, and, above all, they are eager to learn. Very smart and well-educated people from all walks of life are engaging in this industry.
There are also many people with little education who have come into network marketing to seek the training they need to find financial security in a world of increasingly precarious jobs.
The human face and the fairness that reign in the world of network marketing really appealed to me.
These are points to know that can help you better understand this profession.
Il y a quelques années, je rêvais devenir riche sans rien faire, voyager, m’acheter une superbe maison en bord de mer, avoir une vie heureuse… mais comment faire pour y sans vraiment travailler .
Avec le MLM. Je pensais pouvoir recruter tout le monde et faire fortune en quelques mois.
Mes résultats furent satisfaisant mais c’est aussi à ce moment-là que j’ai compris une chose : l’argent facile, ça n’existe pas ! Il y a toujours une part de travail et la fortune n’arrive pas du jour au lendemain ..
Il faut se former, agir et être régulie.
Pour la maison nous y arrivons,
Pour les voyage aussi, alors pour quoi continuer le marketing de réseau, chacun doit vraiment connaître son Pourquoi , c’est hyper important .
je suis tout fait d’accord avec vous
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